Hi! My name is Manuela and little did I know that when I began meditating years ago, it would lead me down a life-altering path that ultimately brought my health, my creativity, my focus, my happiness and my purpose back to me. Today, I’m a qualified Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) teacher and am extremely proud and grateful for my solid meditation practice. 

But… it was a challenge. Which means I know exactly how you feel as someone who needs to pause, who sees something in the act of meditating that definitely calls out to you, but has no idea how to get started.

Meditation is a skill and, like any other skill, you get better at it with practice. And like any new habit we’re trying to adopt, there will be resistance, there will be failure, and there will be giving up. I know, because I experienced it all. It was difficult for me when I started meditating, and sometimes it still is. And you know what? That’s OK. It takes time, some fails, and the commitment to come back, in order to maintain it.

My goal is to inspire you to practice regularly and feel firsthand the rewards of meditating, which include reducing stress, enhancing your immune system, controlling anxiety, improving focus and rest, reducing physical and emotional pain, to name just a few. 

So, we’re going to start small and build from there. I promise you it gets easier, and waiting for you on the other side of mindful meditation is a more present, focused, creative, well-lived life. 

Let’s do it together.